Author Name : fototalk

The Boulder Digital Arts Show this June 1st.

I'm in the show and hope some of my friends will come. The reception will provide wine refreshments. Friday, June 1st, from 4 to 6 pm. More details at :

South With Endurance-Photographs of Frank Hurley

There is some recognition of who Shackleton was and his expedition to the South Pole. But very few people know who Frank Hurley was. He was the expedition's photographer who experienced one of the greatest stories ever told. Joanna Write of the Royal Geographical Society writes: "one of the most remarkable survival stories in the history of human exploration." It could rival most Holl...

A World History of Photography: Rosenblum

This book is my basic reference. I couldn't live without it. Not only is it interesting, but it is a good general history that everyone should be aware of. And when I have questions or don't recognize a name everyone seems to, I come back and look names and eras up. Originally I read it from start to finish and enjoyed every minute of it, but now it serves as a reference. I donated over 285 bo...

Ansel Adams-Yosemite and the Range of Light

Thought I'd start off with one of my favorites, Yosemite and the Range of Light. Either you like Ansel Adams or you don't. I do and I love seeing his prints large. I get as much enjoyment wandering within the detail of Adam's prints as I do trekking through a beautiful alpine valley... maybe even more. And I can do it anytime I feel like. I marval at how Adam's has transformed reality into a ...

  • Copyright 2014 by Kent Gunnufson